In-Store Holiday Social Media Contest #ClarksSnapAndShop
Mon, Dec 2 to Mon, Dec 23
This Holiday Season visit one of our stores and SNAP your photo for a chance to win!
From 12/2-12/23 visit one of our Full Price or Outlet Stores to participate in this fun contest! It only takes 3 easy steps so come in, try on our shoes, take and share a creative, stylish and fun photo to @ClarksShoes on IG with the #ClarksSnapAndShop and you are entered! We are thrilled to see what you all share and cannot wait to announce the winners! Happy Holidays!
Entry Instructions:
1. Follow Clarks on Instagram
2. Post an In-store photo of them trying on or interacting with our shoes to their Instagram Story
3. Use #ClarksSnapAndShop and tag @Clarksshoes on Instagram
1st Place: Two free pairs of Clarks shoes + a shoe care kit.
2nd Place: $50 gift card + a shoe care kit.
3rd Place: Surprise coupon + a shoe care kit.